Can You Wash Sheets and Towels Together?

Yes, you can wash your sheets and towels together if you take the right steps. When you’re washing your clothes, you probably don’t want to throw your towels in with your clothes. For one, they can get really dirty and they can make loads a lot heavier and take longer to dry. Can you wash sheets and towels together, though?

Can You Wash Sheets and Towels Together?

But Can You Actually Wash Sheets and Towels Together?

While there are a lot of people who would cry out otherwise, you usually can wash your sheets and towels together with the right steps. Of course, there are a few exceptions to this rule. For instance, if you have a set of brand-new red towels and ivory-colored bedsheets, you’ll want to avoid mixing the loads. In most cases, though, mixing these two types of laundry together won’t hurt anything.

However, you’ll still want to be careful not to overload the machine. This will reduce its effectiveness. If you properly fill your machine, this can be a great way to fill out a load of either material.

What You’ll Need to Wash Your Sheets and Towels Together:

  • Dirty sheets
  • Dirty towels
  • Laundry detergent
  • Washing machine
  • Dryer
    • If you don’t have a dryer or your sheets and towels, you’ll want to make sure that you have somewhere to hang up the wet bedding and towels like a laundry rack or an outdoor clothesline.
    • If you are using a dryer, it’s a good idea to have some dryer sheets handy. This will help prevent static buildup in your towels and bedding.

How to Wash Your Sheets and Towels Together

Step 1: Load Your Laundry Machine

The first step is the same as any other load of laundry you would do. You’ll want to put your laundry into the machine but make sure not to overload the machine. With too much inside of it, your washing machine won’t be able to work through a load as effectively as usual.

The size of the load your washing machine can handle will depend on the model of the washing machine you have. So, you’ll have to take a look at the specifications of your washer. If you can’t find them and you’re particularly concerned, manufacturers often offer this information in a manual or searchable online by looking up the model you own.

Step 2: Set Your Washing Machine to the Correct Settings

Next, you’ll want to make sure that you set your washing machine to the right settings for your sheets and towels. You can check the tag of your sheets and towels to see the specific rules for the fabric you have.

As a general rule of thumb, cold water is great for darker loads and well-suited to medium or light-colored laundry as well. If you’re cleaning white sheets and towels, this will hold up much better to hot water use in a cycle.

You’ll want to note, though, that you may need a higher temperature for your sheets and towels if they have a lot of body oil or moisturizing products on them. The extra heat will help break down the material stuck on the fabric.

Step 3: Add Detergent and Run the Machine

Once you’ve set the machine, add your detergent in the allotted place and start your machine up. After you’ve done that, you can start your washing-machine and let it run and complete its cycle.

Usually, this would be the time to add your fabric softener. Yet, you’ll want to skip this step if you’re washing both sheets and towels. Fabric softeners can start to take the absorbency out of your towels.

Step 4: Dry Your Towels and Sheets

Finally, once the washing machine finishes up, you can put your sheets and towels in the dryer. You’ll want to do this shortly after your washing machine finishes up to avoid a musty smell building thanks to the trapped moisture.

When you put them in the dryer, you may need to set the load to a longer drying cycle than you usually might for your clothes. Sheets and towels are often heavy and, as we know, towels tend to absorb water as well.

Should You Use a New Towel Every Time You Shower?

When it comes to laundering towels, one question is how long should you do it. After all, the towel you use when you step out of the shower is more than a one-time-use item, right?

As a matter of fact, you can reuse these towels but they still need to be regularly replaced. The last thing you want is a buildup of bacteria, grime, and even your own dead skin. Make sure to switch the reusable towels in your home out every three days.

Can You Put Towels in the Washing Machine with Clothes?

Can You Put Towels in the Washing Machine with Clothes

Some prefer to wash towels and clothes separately for sanitary reasons. In reality, you’re usually okay to wash clothes and towels together as long as your towels aren’t particularly dirty or soiled.

You’ll also want to take a look at the washing labels on your laundry. If your clothes or pillowcases have conflicting laundry needs, it’s best to wash them in separate loads.

How Often Do You Need to Wash Other Items Like Hand Towels and Dish Towels?

When it comes to washing hand towels and dish towels, the same idea applies as to the towel you use after you get out of the shower. This means that you should toss these towels into the dirty laundry after about three days.

What is the Ideal Temperature for Washing Bed Coverings and Towels?

As we said, darker sheets and towels can use cooler water but warm water will help to tackle tough stains and oils better. So, you’ll want to use a temperature of about 40 degrees Fahrenheit to tackle these stains. If you have silk sheets, though, don’t use a temperature higher than 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Did you like our tutorial? Washing your bedsheets and towels together can save you time, energy, and it’s a bit more eco-friendly! If you like it, let us know by dropping a comment down below and sharing this tutorial with a friend.

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