How to Build a Fairy Garden Fort

A Fairy Garden Fort

The days are getting longer and the weather warmer! Last week we welcomed Spring by making a Fairy Garden Fort. In the case you’ve never heard of a fairy garden, let your imagination take hold and think miniature and magical. And if you are considering building a barn, click over here now to hire help from professionals. Also, try building an aqua scaping tank to make your garden look more beautiful, which is a great technology for this and you can get tips and tricks to aquascaping your tank.

Read moreHow to Build a Fairy Garden Fort

Categories DIY

Free Fillable & Printable Perpetual Birthday Calendar

Free Fillable and Printable Birthday Calendar

Happy 2022! Here is a free fillable and printable birthday calendar!

There’s nothing worse than a forgotten birthday. After all, something as simple as missing an important date on the calendar can really hurt a loved one’s feelings. If you’re looking for a way to make sure you keep your family’s birthdays in order, a free perpetual birthday calendar can help you stay on top of everything!

Read moreFree Fillable & Printable Perpetual Birthday Calendar

Categories DIY

How to Store Icicle Christmas Lights

Hope your Christmas was absolutely wonderful! We spent the holiday with family out of town and afterwards came home to a dry, brown tree. But, it was beautiful and fragrant while it lasted.

When they’re on the tree or hanging from an eave, twinkling Christmas lights can seem almost magical in their appearance. Once you have to put them away, you have to be careful. Otherwise, you’ll only meet a tangled mess when you fish them out of the closet next holiday season. Not to worry – we’re going to learn exactly how to store icicle Christmas lights!

Read moreHow to Store Icicle Christmas Lights

Categories DIY